Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 6: Best friends

Every have a friend that is totally like... I don't know... living inside your head? Well, I do. I don't have many significant relationships in my life (again this is not a reflection on people that care about me but more the inability for me to maintain trusting relationships or relationships that are not superficial... I am working on it!). So this friend is pretty special to me. The fact that we have been friends since our freshman year in college is quite an accomplishment for me. But she understands me and she loves me anyway. We get each others jokes and I totally love her sense of humor. And she is always there for me. She is honest with me even when it is something kind of hard to hear and I am like that with her. And we never get mad about it, that is just how it is. She is like a sister to me and I want what is best for her and she reciprocates that.

She has taken text message after text message and phone call after phone call from me the past several months and let me cry and vent and sit silently on the phone and talk about unimportant stuff to take my mind off of the heavy stuff. She checks in on me on days when I feel like pretty much everyone has no clue how I am feeling and wouldn't care even if they did. That is usually precisely the moment I hear from her.

I am also super proud of her. She is accomplishing so many of her goals and has a job that helps people. She is confident (mostly) in the decisions she makes even when people around her question them. When are you having babies anyway? ha!

There is a lot more I could talk about but I don't want to make her cry or something like that. Anyway, thanks so much for loving me friend. I can't wait to spend some time with you today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you, best friend! I'm so happy we have each other! Yes, you stopped at the right point, I was considering crying :-P

<3 Amanda