Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 17: Church

I emailed a church friend the other day because she works as a doctor at the local "big" hospital where my son is going to have his echo done tomorrow. I wanted to know if she could help me figure out if the hospital offers a certain service. I couldn't find any information on line and I have major phone anxiety. Phone tag is probably one of my least favorite activities on the planet if I am honest with you. So she got ahold of the department and even got them to agree to help if they can even though SR won't be in the "main hospital". And this is one of the 900 things that people I go to church with have done for me. The list is long and extensive in ways that my church family has taken care of me and my family. And of course, I would do pretty much anything for the people I go to church with as well.

I think its easy to focus on the problems that churches have sometimes over the actual ways that they are being successful and ministering. My church, like all churches, has it's struggles but... we are really good at taking care of one another. I am so thankful to be a part of a church congregation that cares about one another and helps one another. I am thankful that I know if we ever need something, someone in our church will step up and help (they have too!). I am glad to know that if someone comes to our church and needs help, we will help them as well.

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