Sunday, February 7, 2010

Big day tomorrow

Two posts in one day... what? That is insanity.

So the Colts had a rough day today. I am sad and my husband went to bed at 9:30 (he says he was tired but I know his spirit is crushed...).

Anyway, it is a big day in our land tomorrow. My BIG boy turns 4! and Slobber Rocket has 2 very important doctors appointments. I will talk about Super Muscles birthday another time but right now I am up kind of processing tomorrows doctors appointments for my tiny little boy. He is going to go see a GI doctor and a Speech Therapist. I am hoping very much that we can get on the road to figuring out why SR is not growing very well. I am very nervous but at the same time hopeful. I have lots of questions and lots of information to share but it is hard to sort it all out and to know what is and isn't important or related. But I know that if I don't press to figure things out, no one will. Being a parent is overwhelming sometimes. I just want to do right by them. Sometimes doing what is right seems scary. There are potential tests for him that seem as scary as not knowing why he is not gaining weight. Anything that requires anesthesia on a 16.5 lb boy seems terrifying to me. But if you let it go for a long time other parts of his body and development could be permanently affected. If kids spend too much time malnourished (some issues that he may have could mean he is not getting nutrition from his food) or not growing, they can have serious cognitive issues that are not reversible. I mean, his brain is growing rapidly along with his body. The human body works VERY hard to make sure the brain is growing and developing properly and SR is very much a typical 1 yr old developmentally so that is reassuring. But at the same time I feel like it can't wait because who knows how long that will last if he actually has something going on in his little body. I am just hoping that one of these specialists has an idea of what is going on. Worried that his issues could mean some big diet changes for both of us but if it will help him, I am all over it.

That was one of those... "stream of consciousness" things I guess. But I am looking forward to a morning with SR and celebrating Super Muscles birthday tomorrow. Can not believe my biggest boy is 4 yrs old! Time flies. Say a prayer or send a thought out for my Slobber Rocket and his dr and speech therapist tomorrow.

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