Well, I should be cleaning considering I have company in a bit. BUT I think most people know I hate cleaning so I am procrastinating! Yippee!
Anyway, we had a pool party on July first with our church but it was TOO COLD to swim. So we still grilled out and then we just hung out. Well, the owner of the swim club said we could come back so yesterday we grilled out again (yum) and then we swam. It was pretty chilly. Low 70s probably and the water was cold (so I am told, I didn't get in). My friend,
Joanna, let me play around with her camera. It was fun. I really can't wait to get a dSLR. The time is coming. Anyway, here are some pictures from the party!

Here is sweet little Super Muscles playing by he pool. It took him a good long time before he would get into the pool. But eventually, he did. And I was kind of proud because he was scared and he did it anyway.

More cuteness in some silly goggles. He loved these things!

It is me! With Baby J... hes trying to give me a kiss. I am a luck girl ;)

And we can't forget my Pumpkin Head! So cute!
Love the pictures. I am with you...the quality of the camera makes all the difference. We bought a pretty cheap camera this spring, and it takes pretty mediocre pics. The outdoor ones are okay, but the indoor ones stink. This looks like it was a good camera. Love seeing SM's goggles. You have two cuties there, for sure.
GREAT pics, the boys are so handsome! It took L quite a few swim lessons for him to become comfortable in the pool, he now loves it!!! I actually think it helped him get over his "fearful" of all "new" things ... lately he has been more willing to try new/different things much quicker then he did in the past. Or maybe it is preschool?!
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