Saturday, August 14, 2010

Words, words, words

Now for something not quite as deep from me. I know, I have been serious huh? Well, that is life for me right now... kind of serious. BUT I have a whole lot of cuteness in my house so I will shift to my 18 month old blonde haired delicious Slobber Rocket.

He is a chatty little boy! His older brother did not hardly say a word until 2 years old. When he finally started talking it was like he had done it his whole life. But, many people were a bit worried that my oldest child had some issues with language before he finally started talking. Slobber Rocket, however, surprises people constantly with his verbal skills. You may doubt his age by looking at his tiny cute little self but when he opens his mouth... I get people saying "there is NO way he is as young as he looks". And they are right! ha.

What is this little crazy boy learning to say lately?

On top of many many words (100+ I would guess) he has started saying lots of phrases and short sentences.
"Go away Jadey!" talking to the dog. The boy knows what he wants
"I wanna eat"
"I want down"
"I want donee" (that would be a donut)
"I see you"
"I gotta bat!"
"I throw ball!"
"Dink meeeeeeese" or... drink please
"Take a bath"
"SHOO WEE I tink" when I am changing his diaper and... he does, trust me.
"go outside"
"hot, hot, hot" when I put him into his car seat or when his food is too hot to eat (he is NOT a fan of hot food)

and my favorite "I lu you"

Sweet boy, Mama loves you too. I love watching you learn and develop. I love playing games with you and chasing you all over the house. I love your hugs and nursing you down to bed. I love your adventurous nature and when you sing in the car. I love the way you hug your brother and give him kisses and when you curl up on your daddy's lap. Little boy, you make big impact on our lives. I am so thankful for you.

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