Slobber Rocket waiting for the train to Chicago.

This is what a lot of the trip looked like for him. Rubbing his
achy ears. We actually stayed in most of the day Wed so he could rest since he didn't seem to feel to well Tues. night and Wed morning.

Monday night at the White
Sox game... this is one of the 2 pictures we got of all three of us.

View from Monday night's seats.

View from our window of Michigan Ave

Some of our suite in Downtown Chicago (thanks Tracee for helping us get a great price on a hotel room... you are the best :))

Kitchen and you can see the bedroom kind of behind it. This hotel room was bigger than our apartment in

On Tuesday we went to the Museum of Science and Industry. It was really cool. We loved the U-505 exhibit. All about WWII and Mr Wonderful really enjoyed all the computer science and technology exhibits. I liked the electric train. It was huge and their were scaled models of huge cities around it. Pretty cool. This is the evening SR started to feel really yucky so we stayed in that evening and had Chinese and watched baseball. It took ages to get the
sicky baby to sleep so we stayed in most of Wed. as well. We ventured out at about lunchtime for some shopping for yet another hat and a warm blanket for the baseball game. We got lunch at a hole in the wall called Max's. DELICIOUS greasy burgers and fries. And then we went to another baseball game. It was COLD... and we had to have SR bundled up 100% of the time but it was fun...

View of the city on our way up to the upper section seating at Wed nights
Sox game.

Me and the baby. I LOVE my half buckle
mei tai. It was the best thing ever for a few days of hardcore walking.

View of Wed night's game.

How the baby spent wed night's game. He was by far the warmest person in the stadium. Everyone else was forced to freeze their butts off in 45 degree JUNE weather.

The obligatory picture of us in the reflection of the bean. We spent Thursday morning just roaming around
Millennium Park and downtown. We had to find something cool for Super Muscles before we came home.

The other okay picture of the 3 of us as taken by some sweet woman who knew very very little English. We took a picture of her too. It worked out nicely.

My very favorite picture of the trip. 2/3 of my handsome family of guys. We were at
Starbucks hanging out and drinking some coffee concoction (Well... Mr Wonderful was, I had ice water)

And lastly, a cool picture of downtown from the Canal Walk.
We had lots of fun but didn't get to do nearly all that we wanted to do because of the sick baby. We have already decided a child-free trip will be in order when the nursling is no longer a nursling.
1 comment:
Congrats on 5 years! Glad you had a great time, but sorry SR wasn't feeling so great.
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