1) My favorite carrier is my half buckle tai from Two Mommas Designs. Best suited for slightly older babies (I used a sling until Slobber Rocket was 3 mos old), it had everything I was looking for and was a price I could afford without too much guilt. Best of all, Tracy and Amanda are amazing to work with. They made me a custom carrier and let me send the fabric straight to them. I can carry the baby forwards and backwards in front and can easily carry him on my back too. I like the half buckle because the waste is padded but I like the versatility of the traditional top straps. I wore the baby exclusively in Chicago and it was comfortable and I was glad not to be lugging a stroller around. If you click the picture below, you can see the carrier in greater detail. It is beautiful and made just for me!

2) Favorite Diaper Award goes to... Bum Genius. I love the all in ones and the one sized. I use so many types of diapers on the baby that it is unreal but if my BGs are clean, they are what I reach for first. Here is my baby in his PINK diaper. I love this pic :)

3) Favorite blog... hands down, Jennifer's blog My Charming Kids. I follow quite a few blogs and really like to keep up with my friends daily lives as well. But Mckmama's blog would be the blog I picked if I could only read one blog a day. As an aside: my friends that blog need to blog more often. Your blog would quickly climb the list of my faves if there were more updates ;)
4) Favorite cleaning product... well, those of you who know me know I don't LIKE to clean but I think the best cleaning products are the kind you can make with non-toxic ingredients right out of your kitchen cabinets. So vinegar is a great cleaning agent. You can make all kinds of cleaning products cheaply (and... as an added bonus they won't hurt your kids). Here is a Vinegar Tips website to help you figure out cleaning with vinegar.
5) Best blog for learning how to save money is by far my friend Shawna's blog. That girl rarely pays for anything. She can teach you the couponing ropes. Check out her site and ask her questions. She is more than willing to help you out! And, I actually KNOW Shawna. I know, I know... surprising right?
6) My favorite cereal of all times... Fruit and Yogurt Special K... to buy this stuff is to become addicted. Trust me. If you want to try it, wait until it goes on sale and find a coupon (Shawna could probably point you in the right direction for the coupon ;)) When it is on sale, I buy 3 boxes, but that is just me.
7) Favorite car seat for a 3 yr old... Graco Nautilus. It is fabulous, easy to install, harnesses to 65 lbs, comparatively inexpensive. I got mine for $119 thanks to Joanna who often clues me into the deals she hears about at Baby Cheapskate.

I am really considering this car seat for Slobber Rocket when he needs a convertible seat. It also harnesses to 65 lbs but can be used rear facing as well (the Nautilus is ONLY a forward facing car seat).
8) Favorite Charity goes to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I have a friend who has a child Super Muscles age with CF. Any money donated goes straight to research to help Super Muscles friend live a healthier and longer life. CF also does not get much government money so any research done relies heavily on charitable donations.
9) Favorite Sports teams: The Indianapolis Colts, Chicago Cubs, Ball State Cardinals, Fighting Illini, Tennessee Lady Vols, UK... we, by far, enjoy football the most though. I used to play basketball and really love the sport as well.

10) Favorite baby accessory: It is probably a tie between Babylegs and hair clippies, bows and hats for Briar.Claire (they give a generous portion of their proceeds to charity often). Wow, if I had a daughter, I would have even less money that I do now. Mr. Wonderful would have to drag me out of the stores kicking and screaming.

If you want to know any of my other favorites feel free to ask... I will tell you because I am cool like that!
1 comment:
This is a great list :)
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