Nickname # 3 coming at you... Mr. Wonderful (MW for short cause thats a fistful to type) for my hubby. I just thought I would start off by introducing my family to you starting with my Super Hero husband. The man I admire more than any other person I know. The guy who helps to make all my dreams come true and the father of our two very incredible children.
Loves Jesus, family, and science.
Strong, handsome blue eyed man who, hands down, give the best hugs of anyone I know... he is stingy with them though.
He is kind, funny, smart (most people put that first for him but he is SO much more than smart... so so much more), a decision maker, a problem solver, proud daddy, hardworking...

He is willing to help anyone anytime. Thats just how he is.
He mows the grass because I am more allergic to it than he is.
He coos at our baby boy and it melts my heart into a puddle.
He teachers Super Muscles big words like "buckminsterfullerine" and how to appropriately use them.
He doesn't like to argue and speaks softly 99.9% of the time.
Not too easy to excite, likes to keep his emotions in check.
Logical and practical.
The best person I know to watch football with and baseball and Seinfeld.
He generally doesn't laugh loudly... unless he is watching AFV with Super Muscles (SM). Then, I hear nothing but cackles from my two handsome guys.
He IS the grillmaster.
Forgiving and willing to sacrafice time and time again for our family.
Lover of all things nerd.
Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time) fan.
Hater of the sun (AKA "the death orb" in our home)
And so much more. A fantastic man who I am thankful to have in my life. I am so glad to share my life with him and look forward to every day we spend together and every night I get to lay down and snuggle into sleep with him.
We celebrate 5 yrs of marriage in a bit over 2 weeks. It has been a wild ride but there is no one I would rather go on this journey with. I love you Mr. Wonderful!
My hubby & oldest son are also fans of AFV. I love hearing the cackles...so long as they don't wake the little guy!!
Good luck on figuring out that 4th nickname!!
Yay, blogging! It's about time! Cute posts. I never used the whole nickname thing. I think I jumped into blogging without realizing that everyone uses nicknames. Oh well, too late now. You are right, I would have put smart at the top of Kyle's list. Not just smart, but SMA-ART. Looking forward to more of these!
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