Friday, May 29, 2009

And so it begins...

Hi, I am 23 and I am losing my hearing. Not a surprise to anyone who knows me. I have had ear infections my whole life and fluid basically camps behind my eardrums permenantly. I have very bad allergies that contribute to my ear issues. I recently saw my ent about my ears and there doesn't seem like there are many options to help me. It doesn't really matter though. I am accustomed to this and know that I will, in time, lose my hearing in my right ear and possibly both ears. Over the last year I have had significant hearing loss in my right ear. I am not angry about it or anything. Just life for me.

But, my baby is 4 mos old on Sunday and I just took him in for his first ear infection. I am okay with my own fate but I am really sad today that SR has an ear infection. An ear infection doesn't doom him to lifelong ear problems or anything but I often wonder if whatever is wrong with my ears is hereditary. Super Muscles didn't get his first ear infection until a month or so ago so I haven't really thought about it with him. SR also has a lot of ear wax that accumulates in his ears. I have noticed this and have talked to the ped about it but it was so bad today that the dr covering for our ped could not see one of his ear drums (we assume he has an ear infection in that ear too since he pulled his head back as soon as the dr touched his ear). So we have to keep an eye on that. Im going to ask the ped about it on the 8th when we go and see if his ears need to be irrigated (I have had this done in the past... I hated it but water hurts my ears very badly). Anyway, I guess I just wanted to share my frustration. Thankfully, we have a great ped, and I know he will make sure SR is taken care of.

Good news is, he should be feeling better in the next day or two and we may all return to sleeping okay again. Bad news is, refrigerated meds have to go on vacation with us. Good news is Daddy is 2 hrs from being home :) I miss him and look forward to him helping with the baby tonight.

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