Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trip back home

My hubby is out of town this week (and Slobber Rocket was sad about it). He got to go enjoy San Francisco for the week so I took the boys to visit family down south. The original plan was to visit my best friend in central Indiana and then head down to southern Indiana. But my buddy got very sick so we had to miss out on seeing her. Sad news. Mr. Wonderful has a few more trips planned this summer though and I am getting more confident road tripping alone with the boys so I hope to make my way over to see her soon.

Anyhu, we had a big week full of adventure visiting family. Saturday we grilled and played but poor Super Muscles woke up puking his guts up. Then he had the runs :( Poor buddy asked why he was peeing and pooping out of his butt. I am not sure what exactly was wrong. Maybe a 24 hr virus or something but no one else got sick. My best guess is too much fast food and playing and not enough sleep. His system gets a bit wonky when we travel. So I spent my obligatory $20 on medication and pedialyte for the bubs and we got him feeling all better. We just hung out inside on Sunday and spent the day with my brother and his family.

Monday I took the boys to visit MW's Nana. His grandfather is in the hospital and the boys can't go see him but we did have fun visiting with Nana and I went later that day to visit Papa. I am very glad to have gotten to spend some time with him. We got bad news regarding his health this week and it is looking like he doesn't have much time left. Everything is in order with hospice now for him to go home and spend time with his family until his spirit leaves his body. He looked good though and was witty as ever. He is one of the few men I have learned to trust in my life. When my husband and I were dating, we would go to their house every Sunday for dinner and anytime we didn't have anything to do or were hungry and had no money (shhh... don't tell them we said that) or if we just needed extra encouragement or attention we would go hang out and raid their fridge. Papa taught my husband all about strength and integrity and was instrumental in raising him to be a good man. MW will be making a trip home soon to see him (not sure if we will go or not, just depends on what he would like I suppose) and I guess now we just kind of... wait. Please keep MWs family in your prayers. His Nana has really never known life with out Papa. They have been married 52 years. They got married when she was 17 and he has always taken care of her. So I worry a bit about her... okay, or maybe a lot about her. Pray for peace and for comfort of both Papas body and the hearts of those around him right now.

We also went to hang out with the in laws on Monday evening for a little while. Took the boys to the bowling alley to watch Papaw B and Uncle C & K bowl.

Tuesday was hanging out with my brother and nephews and niece. Then to chuck e cheese with a whole gaggle of kids :). It was really fun having all 3 of us and all of our children together for a while. It isn't often that I get to hang out with both of my brothers. The big boys absolutely LOVED Chuck E Cheese. Oh crap, I totally left my cotton candy at M's house. That is a bummer (just remembered that!). Doesn't my Super Muscles look like such a big kid in this picture? He was totally loving the roller coaster game at Chuck e cheese

Wednesday we went to the zoo with Grandma. The boys had lots of fun. Super Muscles had some behavior issues the first part of the morning but we got some food in his tummy and he did much better after that. I think he gets used to the rules being a bit looser when we are away from home then thinks he can act crazy. By lunch time we had it all sorted out though and the afternoon was rather enjoyable. Slobber Rocket loved the walk in the stroller on a beautiful spring day. Then I went to my brothers and picked up the livingroom for him and moved the boxes (they just moved to a new house) so we could put his new furniture together. Then I shipped Super Muscles off to Mimis for the night to hang out with my nephew, Junior. Word on the street is that they had a blast.

Today we drove home and the boys were pretty darn good! A little bit of crying here and there but 95% of the trip was quiet and pleasant.

It was a good trip and I had fun with my family but I am so glad to be home to my own bed. And I will be even happier to be home in my own bed when MW joins me tomorrow night. I get cold when my human furnace isn't in bed next to me :) Actually I really do dislike it when he isn't in bed with me. I feel really lonely when he is gone. I don't know how single moms do it. I need the adult conversation and the hugs and our talks we have cuddled into bed at night.

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