Monday, March 15, 2010

Can't sleep

Cough, cough, cough... I can't sleep. And I haven't been able to sleep for weeks and weeks and weeks because I have a cough. Well its officially a "chronic cough"... they last 6+ weeks. When I hit the 6 week mark of having a cough and hacking up gunk, I decided maybe I should go to the doctor. I know, I am quick. But, i knew it wasn't bacterial because I have been on 3 rounds of antibiotics since the cough expanded from just hacking in the morning and at night to all day every day. The joys of having a cough before surgery means they treat it like the plague hoping to rid you of it before you are put under anesthesia and have a breathing tube. It didn't clear the cough up and neither did the keflex I was on after surgery.

Did you know that people with allergies have interesting noses? And by interesting I mean I hear doctors say "I can tell you have allergies, your nose is very blue" or "wow, your _____ are really swollen, your allergies must be acting up". Oh the space indicates the fact that I can't remember what the heck she said was swollen in my nose. But I know it shouldn't be swollen. But mine always are. And my nose is always blue. And I often times have clogged ears and sinus infections. And I can't breathe. Skin tests light me up like a christmas tree. My arms fill with welts and my eyes tear. I have hoses stuck in my nose frequently and medicine shot in so doctors can get better looks. My head hurts, my lung hurts, I don't sleep well. And why? All because my body spazzes out to... completely harmless stuff. And a lot of different completely harmless stuff. I have seasonal allergies, indoor allergies, food allergies, pet allergies. I spend a lot of time not breathing well. And its invisible to most people. They don't get why I am tired or don't feel well. And sometimes I don't even get it. But really the truth is my body is always, always fighting of some completely harmless substance it has convinced itself is an invader to my health. And really its my immune system that is the invader.

And it has been on the back burner. To no insurance and having babies and nursing babies. But I need to feel better. I can't keep waking up feeling like junk every day. And I can't keep just doing what it takes to get by because it is short changing every one I care about. So after 6 weeks of having a cough, I went to the doctor and had something I have known for years confirmed. I have asthma. When someone has so many allergies it is pretty likely they also have asthma. I have known this and ignored it and my body and energy levels and breathing have paid the price for a long time. But I am hoping that now I am on the road to breathing better. So... since I am still not done coughing I think I might go snork up some albuterol so I can go to sleep. Ear check for the itty bitty in the morning. Send some prayers/wishes that the augmentin kicked the ear infection finally. I don't think his butt can take anymore antibiotics.


~rachel~ said...

So sorry you're going through all this!
I really think you should read this book I just got (do I sound like one of those random people who post on blogs selling stuff?..) anyway, this is where I heard about it she has a bunch of links and a few other posts about it. We are going to start it as soon as I finishing reading it, but so far it is really interesting! I am also now thinking that Eli's breathing issues might have started right around the same time he started solids! :)

Unknown said...

Rachel, I have talked to the babys drs ad nauseum about him possibly having food allergies with no real success. He didn't stop gaining weight until he started eating solids. i can't reconcile that. I am hoping that when Dr. H is off maternity she will genuinely help me figure this stuff out. I will check out the site. Thanks for the reference. I have actually read a bit about this before.