Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cornerstones of Christianity and adoption

I have had a post rolling around in my head for a while but I am pretty sure it will turn some heads of some people and make other people see me a bit differently. Which are both okay things but not things I had been potentially ready to deal with. But I think I am feeling up for the challenge now.

I want to briefly discuss my views on adoption. I know many many people who pigeon hole how Christians should view certain topics and I somewhat frequently fail to follow form. Adoption is no doubt one of the areas where I do not at all follow form of what would be considered traditional views of Christianity. Many people hold to the view that there is a certain type of couple or person or family who should be able to adopt children and I just do not ascribe to that at all.

First I will talk about the cornerstones of Christianity to set up why I feel my views are valid. Honestly when the Bible is broken down there are two points on which Christianity hinges. They are to love God and love others. I think most people who call themselves Christians would agree with this. I would think obeying God (an expression of love according to the Bible) and loving others would be the most driving reasons for a Christian to adopt. But this is also the reason I have no issues with ANYONE who can provide a safe and loving home adopting children who have no family.

Assuming your faith exhibits the only traits necessary to rear amazing children is not only wrong but it also takes away loving families from thousands upon thousands of children every year. Assuming that there is only one kind of family that provides a better life for abused, orphaned, and disabled persons is mind boggling to me. The further assessment that children in non-Christian homes can not develop their own beliefs is also interesting to me (as Mr. Wonderful and I were raised in a non-churched homes). I think Jesus commanded us to take care of orphans. I obviously can not take care of all the orphans on the face of the planet. I do plan to adopt children when we are in a position to do so but I obviously will only have the resources to adopt a couple/few children if things go very well in our lives (and I get my husband on board for more than 1 or 2 ;)). And, as is evident by the huge number of orphans in the world, Christians are not picking up the slack to take care of these children on the whole (there are some very cool examples out there though like Katie... who is a single/young woman by the way). But there are thousands of single people and people in "non-traditional" relationships (whether they be long term, same sex partners or non-married people who live together and have their own family) who I think would make very good parents and who would provide good lives for a huge number of children. I mean, argue stability all you want but children in "traditional" Christian homes are just as likely to experience their parents splitting up as any other couple. Divorce rate is the same in and out of Christianity. That is fact proven by numbers kids. Oh and my husband and I are both products of divorced parents so I know the effects divorce has as well.

So what do I want then? I want all people to have a heart broken for the poor and for orphans. And I want anyone who can to adopt children and love the heck out of them and treat them as all children deserve to be treated. To offer them safe, warm homes free of poverty and abuse or drug addiction. Or to love a child with disabilities like they are a person who matters rather than a number in an orphanage or a number for the state. And I want people who can't adopt for whatever reason to give money to programs like Katie has set up to educate and feed children around the globe. And if you can't do that, I want people to find a way to help on their little corner of this world. Whether it be frequently going through your kids toys to donate or clothes or volunteering your skills at a local shelter or your time in a manner that benefits those with greater needs than your own. That is all I want! And it is something that all of us can do and feel good about because these are things that are just good.

But I certainly have a heart for adoption and hope that more people come around to it. There are so many children out there who need loving homes and so many of us who can provide those homes for them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome post! I totally agree!