Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Family update :)

So, Slobber Rocket is doing well in speech therapy. Still  not getting enough calories because he won't eat enough but we are trying to work on ways to improve that. But he does seem to be adjusting to some new textures and he is becoming more accepting of foods and playing with them more and more. Now if we can get him to pack on some more weight... Progress is slower than I would like but I can see it happening which I am thankful for. He has not, however, gained any weight in the past 3 weeks so I am going to ramp up his calories again and see if we can get him gaining. He goes back to the ped in 4 weeks... He is also learning and talking a ton. He is so sweet and cuddly and talkative and expressive. He is polar opposite of his brother. More similar to me than to daddy. Super Muscles is more similar to daddy (or identical to daddy... however you want to explain the phenomenon).

Super Muscles is having a few issues with discipline lately. He is definitely trying his boundaries and seeing how firm mom and dad are going to be with the rules. We are pretty firm though so it ends in lots of tears and screaming and sometimes throwing stuff. But when he isn't extremely confused about his emotions, he is busy reading and being curious. He loves books and is getting quite fast and good at reading. Still struggling, at times, with complicated rules of our fun language but he is trying very hard. I love it. He is always trying to take things apart and figure them out. He is so naturally curious and he is also encouraged to be curious by naturally curious parents. It makes for a fun home full of experiments and information exploration. Mr. Wonderful and I were discussing the other day how we hope he always loves learning this much and as much as the constant and unending "why"s sometimes annoy us, we hope he is always curious and will always continue to ask why. The big news for him is that he is going to start preschool in the fall! I am taking him to be enrolled on Friday. I know he will love it. He craves structure and learning and social interaction. I think he will do so well in school. And honestly, I think the time away from me and his brother will be a welcome change of pace for him. He is really seeming to find his own identity lately and is fiercely independent. I am just so excited that he will get this opportunity.

Mr. Wonderful is about to embark on a week long journey to New Hampshire for a "nerd conference" (as I so lovingly refer to them). He is busy with grad student stuff lately. His boss is up for tenure so they are scurrying around trying to get all their ducks in a row. Praying that after this whole tenure push, things slow down for him. I don't like the pace of things right now. I think we all need things to slow down a bit and time to relax. Not much else up with him. Grad school takes up most of his time and our family the rest of it. I am so thankful for his hard work and for his dedication to both his work and to our family. He is an awesome husband and dad. I don't give him enough credit sometimes but I am very very thankful to have him in my life.

Me... well I am okay. Thankful for my family. Loving on my boys. Nurturing them and helping their sweet little minds and bodies grow (full time job this body growth thing). I am going to counseling weekly and trying to get myself healthier. My ear is still messed up and I have another ENT apt soon so I am hoping that Dr. Y has more suggestions. Theoretically the surgery should have helped my ear more than it has. My hearing, while not perfect, is much better (YAY!) but I am still getting frequent infections, clogged ear, and my ear drum (which is new) is not moving and is "sucked in". So basically I am still having a lot of pain and trouble hearing (because my ear is clogged a lot of the time). I am on a new medication for my allergies to see if that will help but it hasn't. Um, my asthma and allergies have been better controlled than they have been in a long time. I am running longer and further every day and my lungs feel better than they have in a long while. Emotionally, I am a mess a lot of the time. But I am praying that getting some things worked out in therapy will be helpful. I am also having a lot of anxiety but I generally know why and am usually able to calm myself down. Keep me in your prayers as I work through some big stuff. I am very emotionally tired from it all and I know it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

And that is about all in my testosterone rich abode. Take care and love on your family and friends. We are so blessed to have the people we love in our lives!

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