Monday, February 21, 2011

Damn Knee

Just got home a bit ago from seeing Patty the ortho NP. My MRI was a bit of a mess. Lots going on inside of my knee. Bone contusions, torn meniscus and as the radiologist puts is my acl is "likely torn". Likely because they couldn't see the part very well that seems like it is torn. SO. More time on crutches, more drs, and I am guessing at the very least a scope on my knee to get a better view of my acl and see if the meniscus damage is going to inhibit my mobility at all. So there you have it. Next tuesday I will be seeing a new doctor to figure out what we need to do. So I will be out of athletics for a bit. I will have not nearly enough time to pick up training for the half EVEN IF I don't need surgery. There is no way. Just so frustrating. I am hoping PT is miraculously all I will need so MAYBE I can get back at it by softball season. *sigh* I am annoyed.

1 comment:

SunnyD said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I keep having these little snap, crackle pops in my knees and I keep thinking -- just hold it together for me... but I know at some point, I'll be down at the walk-in sports medicine clinic asking about it. The pain matches runner's knee, but I'm afraid all my cartilage is -- gone.

Stay strong!